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Social, Educational and Special Events

Join the Sonoma County Mothers of Multiples!

We offer several annual events for our members and their families, as well as monthly gatherings. Below, you'll find general descriptions for each event type. Members may view specific event information by logging on to Club Express.

All the Rest

With your paid membership, benefits include:

  1. Access to our very active online Facebook community (Click the Facebook icon in the top left to join!)
  2. Participate in the MASSIVE Free Biannual Swap!!!
  3. Social events including:
  • Family Picnic
  • Annual New Members Ice Cream Social
  • Annual Mother's Day Tea
  • Annual Father's Day Event
  • Holiday Sock Party / Gift Exchange
  • Monthly Park Play Dates / Meet Ups
  • Guest Speakers: child behavior specialists, medical professions, and more!

  1. Monthly Board meetings
  2. A quarterly digital newsletter
  3. Monthly ladies lunch/ night out
  4. Free Access to our Preemie Clothing, Halloween Costumes, and Snow Gear Closet.
  5. A Nurturing NICU Program including support for parents who experience the NICU with their multiples.
  6. National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs membership, which includes the Notebook, published quarterly
  7. Quarterly Digital Newsletter from Northern California Association of Mothers of Twins Club (NCAMOTC)
  8. Opportunity to participate in the Northern California Association of Mothers of Twins Club Convention and National's Annual Conventions
  9. Great support group of moms (and dads!)
  10. Many chances to give back to the community as a group